vogblog. today we had the worst volcanic smog we've ever had. have you ever been through that? it's like being in manila or mexico city at high noon in the middle of all the bus fumes. it's hot. it's like africa hot. the stuff traps in the heat and the humidity is so bad the ash sticks to everything. i can't even blag on about it, it's just weird and annoying and weird. the stuff is called vog, which is just silly, really.
ai, nen. i'm back from the land of la, from glaring at gwen stefani in market parking lots, running into ishmael merchant and nancy reagan and angelyne, from targets to near misses, and now what. first, i get on the plane in honolulu and the front headline of the pdn is about a volcano erupting over the weekend. ba-zoing. okaaaay. i've been back a week with unspecific jitters (earthquake? car crash? terrorism? snakes up the drainpipe? ingrown toenail?) and just about to calm down until 2pm today when the most heinous deejay in the world (tm) announced we are in typhoon condition 2. another effing typhoon. i'm awash with anxiety.